Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let Hope Rise

I never have an issue with sleeping, actually, I have been known to fall asleep before I even have time to roll over and turn off my lamp. The past two nights I have been up late thinking. Thinking about all sorts of things. As a result, Dunkin Donuts is going to increase their daily revenue by like 2 dollars and some cents tomorrow. Skim milk, one splenda please and thank you.

I keep playing the song "With Everything" by Hillsong over and over again on my computer. Hillsong so appropriately expresses my prayer.

Open our hearts,
To see the things
That make Your heart cry,
To be the church
The You would desire.
Light to be seen.

Break down our pride,
And all the walls
We've built up inside,
Our earthly crowns
And all our desires,
We lay at Your feet.

So let hope rise,
And darkness tremble
In Your holy light,
And every eye will see
Jesus, our God,
Great and mighty to be praised.

I know a lot of you who read my blog aren't sure about Jesus. I get that. I really do. I know a lot of you might get Jesus but not understand suffering and pain. I get that also. I've been there.... I still have unanswered questions but if Jesus really was the son of God.... it should and does change everything... right?

But because I believe He was who he said he was, out of this truth sprouts a hope that can light up darkness. LED super bright style.

Would my heart be extremely sensitive to what makes God's heart cry, would I respond with efforts towards justice and reconciliation.
Would pride fall in my life and out of this broken dam would a mighty current of authenticity flow bringing hope.

Let Hope Rise.
Jesus our God great and might to be praised.

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